Rich Harmey
Loved by his colleagues at S. Group (and adored by T4K director Amy, who was quite keen to adopt him), Rich is the loudest man you have ever encountered with a talent as big as his laugh.
To use a few cliche's, he's driven, obsessive about creating the perfect story for his clients and firmly believes that to be interesting, you have to be interested. He really doesn't like toot-tooting his own horn and when asked for a few fast facts he replied: "I was fat kid, I play in three bands and I love gardening." So, there you go.
Rich is our Videographer/Photographer/all-round guru for our film campaigns. He knows his stuff, is super creative and we could not produce what we do, without him. Oh, and he is also a Dad, so he GETS KIDS!! WOOP!
You can find out more about Rich and S. Group here